Ward Mission
A few ways to participate in sharing the gospel TODAY!
Invite one our new members to sit by you at church or come to your house for dinner.
Have the full time missionaries come to your house for dinner.
Invite friends to come listen to you speak in Sacrament Meeting or teach a lesson.
Share a video or post on social media. For ideas, see the social media links below.
Watch Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt's talk from April 2023 General conference Do You Know Why I as a Christian Believe in Christ?
Full-time Missionaries in the Bella Vista Ward:
Sister Harmon and Sister Pittard
Missionary Meal and Message Calendar:
The missionaries are always seeking the opportunity to share a message and meet the members. Please invite them into your homes for a message and a meal. Sign up to have them in your home: Missionary Meal and Message Calendar.
Social Media Pages:
Please read, like and share the below social media pages and begin your online missionary service: